

Test IT Online makes it possible to develop and distribute course material quickly and effectively among participants. In addition to standard material, Test IT Online also offers the possibility to develop your own course material and to gear it to the training needs.

By carrying out a baseline measurement and testing what participants already know and do not know, the knowledge level of participants is mapped out. By making this inventory in advance you will gain insight into the learning needs so the course material can be tailored to the participants. Based on the baseline measurement, participants can choose a learning form that best suits them. In this way, training time is saved and the added value of trainers is optimally utilized.
The course material that is developed can be used for both classroom training and self-study (e-learning).


With Test IT Online, efficiency and cost advantages are within reach!

You can develop the modules yourself or outsource them to experienced Test IT Online developers and consultants. The Test IT Online developers and consultants also offer their services when you need help, or as extra building capacity for your projects. Via this link you can come into contact with the consultants.



Test IT B.V.

Hoge Traan 22
9351 VV Leek
Tel: +31 (0)594 72 60 00